Each Alloy shader page contains a list of usage rules. These rules describe the constraints under which that particular shader functions, as well as listing the rendering modes available.
Deferred Compatible: This shader draws using the deferred buffer when your camera/project is set to the deferred rendering mode in Unity 5. (note this does not include the "Legacy Deferred" lighting path, which is not supported by Alloy 3). Please ensure that when using the "Deferred" lighting path, that the custom Alloy Deferred Shader has been plugged into your project Graphics settings, as specified in the Getting Started section.
Forward Only: This shader draws via a forward pass, regardless of your project Graphics settings. Please note this means it is held to the maximum pixel light count setting found in the Unity Quality Options panel. If you are utilizing forward-only shaders in an otherwise complex deferred-oriented scene, you may wish to either use a specific layer for all forward objects and only have select important lights strike them, or raise the maximum pixel light count in the quality settings higher (if your performance window can accommodate it).
Test Shader: This shader is provided purely for the purposes of testing and iteration and is not designed for final production usage.
Terrain Only: This shader may only be used on Unity Terrain renderers.
Sampler Hog: This shader, due to its complexity, uses a higher-than normal amount of unique texture samplers. What this means is that the addition of too many property groups has the possibility of pushing you over your GPU's texture sampler limit. If this occurs, you will see an error in your console, and must remove at least one property group from your material for the shader variant to compile properly.