Texture input that builds on Shaderlab's "2D" type.
2D Texture, Basic
Default texture input.
Requires an empty attributes list.
_Example ("'Example' {}", 2D) = "white" {}
2D Texture, Visualize
Adds a "Visualize" button that allows you to cycle through preview modes for that texture. Each shows an unlit version of the mesh with the texture mapped onto it.
Requires the Visualize attribute.
_Example ("'Example' {Visualize:{RGB, A}}", 2D) = "white" {}
_Example ("'Example' {Visualize:{R, G, B, A}}", 2D) = "white" {}
_Example ("'Example' {Visualize:{NRM}}", 2D) = "bump" {}
2D Texture, Visualize with Parented Transforms
Hides the texture input's transform controls, and causes the Visualize previews to instead use the parent texture's transforms.
_ParentExample ("'Parent Example' {}", 2D) = "white" {}
_Example ("'Example' {Visualize:{G, A}, Parent:_ParentExample }", 2D) = "white" {}
2D Texture, Additional Transform parameters
Allows the texture to have additional transform parameters.
Can specify up to three properties with the same name but different suffixes.
*Velocity for Scroll option.
*Spin for Spin option. (note edit in degrees, but stored as radians)
*UV for Mode option.
_Example ("’Example' {}", 2D) = "white" {}
_ExampleVelocity ("Scroll", Vector) = (0,0,0,0)
_ExampleSpin ("Spin", Float) = 0
_ExampleUV ("Mode", Float) = 0
2D Texture, No Controls
Requires the Controls attribute set to False.
_Example ("'Example' {Controls:False}", 2D) = "white" {}