TeamColor uses either a packed masks texture or a color texture to allow selective tinting of the material's Base Color.
Texture Mode
Masks: Uses a series of masks with corresponding tint colors. Using overlapping masks makes it possible to combine colors based on the mask weights. If the combined mask weights for a pixel sum to more than one then they will be re-normalized. If they sum to less than one, then the total tint color will be interpolated to white by the difference. This mode is most useful when you plan to have arbitrary combinations of colors, possibly set at runtime.
Tint: Uses a color map that gets multiplied directly against the base color. This mode is most useful when you have a limited set of color combinations, want more than four colors per-combination, and/or want to have maximum artist control at the cost of additional textures.
Name | Type | Description |
Texture Mode | Dropdown | Masks, Tint. |
Masks(RGBA) | Data Map / Color Map | (RGBA) Masks set for team color tints, or (RGB) Tint color map. |
Channels | Vector Mask | (RGBA) Directly set which channels to use from the Masks texture. |
Tint R | Color | (RGB) Red mask channel’s tint color. |
Tint G | Color | (RGB) Green mask channel’s tint color. |
Tint B | Color | (RGB) Blue mask channel’s tint color. |
Tint A | Color | (RGB) Alpha mask channel’s tint color. |