Prototyping Textures

This group appears only on the Prototyping shader. The purpose of this parameter group is purely for experimentation/prototyping with unpacked physical property textures (metallic, ao, spec, roughness). 


TintColor(RGB) Base Color tint. (A) Opacity scale.
Base Color(RGB) Opacity(A)Color Map(RGB) Base Color. (A) Opacity. [Tiling, Offset, Scroll, UV Set]
Metallic(G)Color Map(G) Metallic mask.
Ambient Occlusion(G)Color Map(G) Ambient Occlusion.
Specularity(G)Color Map(G) Specularity.
Roughness(G)Color Map(G) Roughness
NormalsBump MapSurface normals in tangent space.
Vertex Color TintFloat [0-1]Amount that base color is tinted by the vertex color RGB.

Appears On
