Override Shaders

Alloy's shaders for configuring Unity's deferred pipeline to support all of our lighting features. To set them, simply follow these steps:

  1. Open Edit->Project Settings->Graphics.
  2. Set the 'Deferred' setting to 'Custom shader'.
  3. Open the picker below, and select the 'Alloy Deferred *' shader.
  4. Set the 'Deferred Reflections' setting to 'Custom shader'.
  5. Open the picker below, and select the 'Alloy Deferred Reflections' shader.


Alloy Deferred Reflections: Renders deferred reflection probes using Alloy's BRDF.

Alloy Deferred Shading: Vanilla deferred light shader. Cheapest. Requires no additional setup.

Alloy Deferred Skin: Supports deferred skin and transmission. Most expensive. Requires the Deferred Render Plus camera component. Effect is only visible on materials that use either Skin and/or Transmission shaders.

Alloy Deferred Transmission: Supports deferred transmission. Cheaper than Skin. Requires the Deferred Render Plus camera component. Effect is only visible on materials that use Transmission shaders.

Alloy Deferred UBER: Allows integration between Alloy and the UBER shader pack. Adds support for UBER's transmission, POM, etc deferred features, but with Alloy's BRDF.