A dynamic cutaway/burnaway effect using cutouts and edge emission from a Dissolve Map.
NOTE: If this effect is used on an Opaque material, it may disable some GPU optimizations earlier than normal for the given frame.
Name | Type | Description |
Glow Tint | HDR Color | (RGB) Emissive transition zone tint. (A) Opacity scale. |
Glow Color(RGB) Opacity(A) | Color Map | (RGB) Emissive transition zone color. (A) Opacity. [Tiling, Offset, UV Set] |
Cutoff | Float [0-1] | The dissolve cutout opacity midpoint. |
Glow Weight | Float [0-1] | Weight of the effect. |
Glow Width | Float [0-1] | Width of the glowing edge effect (in dissolve mask space) |