
Deferred decal shaders that directly modify the G-Buffer. Uses artist-generated overlay meshes to control where the effect is applied.

NOTE: Internally uses an offset to allow the decal mesh to match the underlying mesh but still appear on top.


Additive: Adds the material's emissive output to the light accumulation buffer. 

Alpha: Uses the Base Color opacity to replace the contents of the G-Buffer with the decal material.

Ambient: Multiplies its Base Color over the G-Buffer ambient lighting and specular occlusion. Base color opacity interpolates the tint to white.

Cutout: Uses the Base Color opacity to cutout parts of the decal.

Multiplicative: Multiplies its Base Color over the G-Buffer. Base color opacity interpolates the tint to white.

Usage Rules

Deferred CompatibleThis shader draws using the deferred buffer when in deferred rendering mode